How to show the response summary for review before submit?

Google Forms doesn't have a built-in feature that allows respondents to review their responses before submitting the form. The workaround is to use the Google Forms response validations along with the edit response option or use the Formesign - Fillable PDF addon to show the summary of response before submit.

#1 The workaround

If you are creating your form in Google Forms, you can create rules that users have to follow when they fill out your form. For example, you can mark fields as required so that users don’t skip these fields. You can also add response validations to form fields so that the answers meet the specific criteria. For example, you can add a text email validation to ensure that the email address is properly formatted. 

How to set rules? You can mark the questions in your form as required or optional. Additionally, you can specify additional rules for question types such as short answer, paragraph and checkboxes question.

  1. Open your form in Google Forms

  2. Click on + icon to add a question

  3. Enter the title

  4. Select the preferred question type

  5. Enable the Required toggle button to mark it as mandatory

  6. Click on the ⫶ More icon next to the Required toggle button

  7. click Response validation to set the relevant rules

With the ability to set rules, you can ensure that there are no incomplete or incorrect submissions. However, this does not guarantee that the information is accurate. 

When you are creating an application form or a membership form, you want the applicants to provide accurate information. You can add a “I agree” checkboxes question that allows the users to consent that they have reviewed their responses and that it is accurate. If it is a single page form, users can easily scroll to review the responses before they submit the form. If it is a multi-page form, it makes it tedious for the users to review their responses. 

By default, respondents cannot make changes to their responses once they have submitted the form. You can enable the "Allow response editing" option and also set up the "Send respondents a copy of their response" option in Google Forms.

  1. Open your form in Google Forms

  2. Click Settings

  3. Click Responses

  4. Select "Responder input" for the "Collect email addresses" option

  5. Select "Always" for the "Send respondents a copy of their response" option

  6. Enable "Allow response editing" option

When the user submits the form, they will receive a confirmation with a copy of their response along with the edit response button. This will allow users to review their responses and make edits if required. It is important to note that the users will be able to make edits to their responses anytime.

#2 Review before submit

The workaround only allows you to reduce mistakes and provides an option to correct them if required. If you would like to show the response summary for review before submit, you can set it up using the Formesign - Fillable PDF addon.

  1. Install the Formesign - Fillabe PDF addon from Google Workspace marketplace

  2. Open your form in Google Forms

  3. Click on the addon icon

  4. Click Formesign - Fillable PDF

  5. Click Show consent screen

  6. Consent screen set up wizard will be displayed

  7. Select "Response summary" for the "Create consent screen from" option, click Next

  8. Click Preview to test the form

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